Our Leadership

Interim President & Principal
Mrs. Heather Crisci

Mr. Jack Wixted, Chair
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees
The CCHS Board of Trustees was established to assist the Bishop of the Diocese of Camden in the governance of CCHS. The Purpose of the School is to operate a Catholic secondary school in accordance with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church as interpreted and applied by the Member. The Board is required to promote and advance this mission of educating and instructing of students in conformity with Catholic principles.
Executive Committee
Bishop Dennis Sullivan, Diocese of Camden
Coadjutor Bishop Joseph A. Williams, Diocese of Camden
Dr. William A. Watson, Superintendent Diocese of Camden
John "Jack" Wixted '72, P '05, Chairperson
Joseph F. Caputi, Esq. ‘12, Vice Chairperson
Board Members
Dennis Corbett ‘90, P ‘23, ‘25
Linda Carrick, Ph.D., RN ‘71
John P. Dulczak ‘97
David Fowles ‘91
Anthony Giorgio ‘68
Anne Hartman, M. Ed.
Timothy Higgins, Jr. '07
George Hutchinson III, P ‘00, ‘02, ‘04, ‘08
James J. Madden, Esq. ‘57, P ‘92, ‘96, ‘98
Midge Madden, Ph.D., P ‘00
Marianela Nuñez, M.A.